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2 and fro-Stroll- / Shingo Takahasi (MIX CD)

1,650 JPY

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レゲエ~ヒップホップ~ソウルを縦横無尽に行ったり来たり(=to and fro)する痛快クロスオーバーミュージックジャーニー「2 and fro」シリーズ最新作「2 and fro-Stroll-」!! 前作「Replace」のアグレッシブな路線を踏襲しつつも、哀愁とメロウネスも閉じ込めた35曲69分の寄り道迷い道オトナのぶらぶら散歩。 ジャンルレスに横断するだけはでなく、70年代から現行までの「時代」も自由に縦断し、ルール無視で道無き道を独自の機転で切り拓く、旅情も滾るオール45sひとり旅! 購入特典に、Bee’s Knees Blogサブスク会員専用の動画コンテンツ「Break Room」と同種の動画フルバージョン! The latest in the "2 and fro-Stroll-" series, an exhilarating crossover music journey to and fro reggae, hip-hop, and soul! Following the aggressive path of its predecessor, "Replace," but with melancholy and mellowness locked in, this 35-song, 69-minute MIX is a wandering walk for adults who take detours and wander off the beaten path. An all-45s solo journey filled with the thoughts of a traveler who not only traverses genre-less music, but also freely traverses the "era" from the 70s to the present, ignoring the rules and blazing a trail with his own wit! Full version of the video is included as a bonus!

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